Commander's Corner
Roger Perkins
We are still looking for Bingo callers so if interested please let Paul or myself know. Story night is back on September 10. Dave Hilger a Vietnam Combat Medic will be the speaker. Free food at 5pm and the story at 6pm. We still need sponsors for the food on Story night.
Every Thursday
Open Grill
5.00 to 8 PM
3rd Sunday of Every Month
Post Breakfast 7 am -11:00 am
Invite your friends & neighbors
Every Monday we have special light meals from 5 to 7.00 pm for only $7. includes Dessert.
​September 3
6:30 pm, Post & Aux. mtg.
September 9
6:30pm ALR meeting
September 10
Story Night.
Lounge opens @ 4pm ​
Free food 5 to 6 pm
Program @ 6 pm
Dave Hilger a Vietnam combat medic will be the speaker.
​September 15
Post Breakfast all you can eat from 7 to 11 am Open to the Public
We will open @ 2:30 for the Chiefs game.
Chiefs v Bengals
September 17
Harvey County Treasurer Forum 7 pm.
Post will open at 6:30 pm
September 21
Rib Night 5 to 7 pm
Pre order after 4 pm @
Karaoke will follow @ 8pm till midnight
September 25
Pork Chop night 6 to 8pm
We will have the National Commander here @ 6:30pm
We will serve a full meal for those that want to meet our new National Commander in Patriot Hall @ 6:30pm
September 29
Post will open @ 2:30 for Chiefs @ Chargers
Service Officer Tim Marlar If you would like to learn about the benefits you have earned for your service or file a claim with the VA we are ready to assist you. You can set up a time to meet me at the Post by calling 316.288.9496.
Bingo is at regular time on Thursday with Mini's @6:30 and regular @ 7 pm
Open to the Public